We all like to look and feel good about ourselves, but for many of us that means having to venture out from time to time at the gym to complement our ideal physical appearance. However, many of you may already know that many men like to wear a lot of what they wear at the gym, whether they are wearing jeans or without a shirt, there are places to see when they go to the gym, so here I am. to tell you what not to use at the gym so you can do it all the time.

  1. Vibram 5-finger sneakers

These shoes have been the subject of controversy over whether they are acceptable to wear, let alone go to the gym. For those of you who have never heard of those nasty shoes, I don’t know where they’ve been! Originally designed for walking or walking, many have adopted them in their daily closets, which is just wrong!

I know that some of you will say that they are great for adhesion and generally acceptable for use in gyms, but I am afraid to veto that decision and advise you to invest in some. suitable products, especially designed exercise shoes, as they will have a better reputation than the individual shoes that affect our lives.

  1. Boots

Football boots? At the gym? Yes. Often we have seen streams of men sporting some form of boot, be it combat boots or some other variation on these very unsuitable shoes.

The boots are designed to keep feet warm and dry on particularly difficult terrain, not on the treadmill. Like single-toed shoes, boots should simply not be worn, as they will make your feet sweat more than you need to, and when you finish the gym, your feet will smell bad. So instead of smelling hot feet in everyone’s nostrils, opt for a specially designed pair of sneakers.

  1. Leggings

Who would have thought that the day would come when we would tell men not to wear leggings? Well, that day has come and you should start hearing the voice behind your head, questioning your choice of shoes.

Men’s leggings, or meggings as they like to be known, are literally what they say on the can. Tight pieces of lycra or polyester that leave almost nothing to the imagination don’t look good when you sweat, and if you don’t have supportive underwear, your lower areas may be in motion. move so that everyone and their mom can see them. Instead, opt for shorts just above the knee or sweatpants to complete your workout.

  1. There are almost no vests

Now me and many others like me have a problem with these vests, whether they are worn in the gym or not. A vest that barely has what it says, and I’m sure you’ve seen one of those criminal clothes in the flesh, but if not, fasten your belt. . The vest straps, for some reason, fall far beyond the chest and cover only the nipple, and the rest of the vest starts somewhere beyond the navel.

  1. Short shorts

You never skipped the leg day, not even once, and I understand, you want to show your muscle pins, but sometimes the shorts that some guys wear can be very short, reaching the territory of the hot pants.

Shorts don’t look good, no matter what time you wear them, and many don’t offer support or modesty in areas where they really should. Instead of those uncontrollable shorts, choose a pair that hits you just above the knee to make sure they don’t go too high with little imagination.

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