For a wider, wider and wider three-dimensional chest, move away from the compound movements you know (and use a lot) and intensify yourself with advanced isolation training – movements that target the deep chest muscles.

This training gets the points right – without the bells and whistles of other unconventional pec movements. Do the job and he will put the finishing touches on his upper body.

Your typical program consists of a large, compound exercise or exercise, followed by exercise or isolation exercise. For this specific approach, relax on the big elevators and fold on the smaller ones. Isolation exercises are a great way to hyper-focus and enlarge a particular muscle, and to explore smaller, more discrete muscle fibers.

For 2-3 weeks, attach a large muscle group (legs, back, chest) to a smaller muscle group (shoulders, arms, abdomen) or push and pull. Shoot for 1 day between workouts. Return to your normal schedule after 2-3 weeks. Rest for 30 seconds or less between sets.

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All products and services presented here are chosen for their potential to inspire and promote your well-being. Everyday Health can earn an affiliate commission for the items you buy. After intense training, you will feel exhausted, tired, sore, fantastic and will probably be covered in sweat. Believe it or not,

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