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After intense training, you will feel exhausted, tired, sore, fantastic and will probably be covered in sweat. Believe it or not, the clothes you wear for exercise can make a difference in how you feel after exercise. Several factors can affect the comfort of your gym clothes, including the fabric from which they are made and whether they are suitable for the type of exercise you will be doing.

Training clothing: choose “Working horse” fabrics

Some fabrics are designed to remove sweat from the skin during exercise and others absorb it. When it comes to gym clothes, some options are better than others.

Think of the wick. There are many breathable synthetic fabrics that absorb skin sweat, which can help you evaporate quickly and keep your body cool. Clothes made of fabrics containing polypropylene or fabrics like COOLMAX® and SUPPLEX® are a good option for exercises and other activities where you sweat a lot, as it allows perspiration to evaporate from your body. skin without absorption. Clothes and make you feel sweaty and uncomfortable.

Consider cotton. Cotton shirts and pants, on the other hand, absorb perspiration and do not separate it from the skin or help it evaporate quickly. That’s why cotton clothes can feel heavy and wet while you exercise.

Avoid fabrics that do not breathe. Never wear rubber or plastic clothes to prevent sweating from evaporating and keep your body temperature very high during a workout.

Training Wear – Get the Right Fit

To ensure that your workout clothes match your body and the workout you have planned, consider these tips:

You must wear loose, comfortable clothing. But if you run or ride a bicycle, avoid loose or loose pants that could get caught in the pedals or feet.

For activities like yoga or Pilates, stretch fabrics that absorb perspiration are a good option.

In general, be aware that you do not want clothes that interfere with the activity.

Training clothes: change with the seasons

Whether you exercise outdoors or play seasonal sports, what you wear may change with the seasons. Remember these tips when dressing for outdoor exercises:

Hot weather. During the hot summer months, choose fabrics that allow your skin to breathe and wipe away perspiration. Wear cool, comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely.

Cold weather. When it is very cold outside, you need to dress warm, but remember that you will be exercising and increasing your heart rate and body temperature. Wear the layers you can remove and always use the warmer weather than the external thermometer says. Keep sweat-absorbing clothing on your inner layer and put an insulating layer on top. Always cover your head, ears and hands to protect them from the cold.

Rainy or windy weather. Nothing can ruin an outdoor workout faster than diving into the rain or being caught in a strong wind. Use an outer layer that protects the skin from the elements.

Remember that, regardless of the temperature, you will probably sweat during a workout. Keep yourself as comfortable as possible with clothes designed for intense exercises that sweat the skin. And be aware of the time if you train outside and dress appropriately.

Consider these options for comfortable training clothes all year round for men and women.

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