The seated bench press is a standing version of the conventional bench press. The arms, placed under a weight-bearing load, are pushed away from the chest and returned to the starting position. The pressure in the chest helps to build the chest muscles, as well as the biceps, deltoid and latissimus dorsi muscles.

This exercise targets the main chest muscle, the chest muscles. Developing chest muscles is an aesthetic goal for many people. It is also functional in developing strength and power for sports in which you swing a bat, racket or club. The chest pressure machine also recruits the biceps and the large muscles of the shoulders and back. The use of a machine helps to avoid many form errors. You can adjust the seat and handles so that they are in the correct position for your body. Using a machine, you can lift heavier weights with more control.

Step-by-step instructions
Familiarize yourself with the machine. The standard Nautilus machine is a leveraged device that uses a set of removable weighing plates. Older machines have a weight cart that evenly distributes the weight between the two bars. The latest lever models have a carriage for each bar and an independent movement that shapes both sides of the chest more evenly. Other machines operate on a cable and pulley system that is attached to a stack of weight plates. To adjust the weight, simply move the removable pen to the selected plate. As with lever systems, cable and pulley machines can have independent or non-independent bars. If you are not familiar with any of these machines, do not hesitate to ask a gym employee for help.

Sit comfortably in the machine, with your feet firmly shoulder-width apart. If this is your first time using the machine, place a lighter load on the weight cart. If your machine has an adjustable seat height, make sure that the adjustment allows your arms to press horizontally on the floor when the arms are fully extended.

Hold the straps tightly, the thumb circled around the strap and maintain a neutral position on the wrist with the wrists aligned with the forearms.

Push the rods out until they are fully extended, but without locking the elbow, and exhale as you push out. Keep your head firmly against the vertical pillow and your neck still. You should feel significant resistance to the horizontal thrust.

Take a brief break at full length and return the bars to your chest and inhale during this recovery.

Repeat this for as many representatives as needed in your program. Try different weights until you can slowly push and release about 10 repetitions. The last iteration should always seem a little difficult.

Try three sets of 10 reps. Start with less, if necessary, always listen to your body to avoid injury. Rest for a few minutes between sets.

Common mistakes
Avoid these mistakes to get the most out of this exercise and avoid injury.

Elbows far back
Do not force the shoulder joint by stretching your elbows too far back when holding the straps. A little bit is fine, but the straps should always be in front of the body line. Injuries can easily occur if you extend your shoulder too far while carrying a moderate weight. Often, the machine is designed in such a way that it has a fitting that does not allow this overload. Check that it is set correctly.

Explosive movement
When pushing the bar, your movement should never be explosive. Keep your movements stable and controlled, while pressing and releasing. If necessary, count “one-two” when pressing, pause and count “one-two” while letting go. Never hurry.

Keep your back and shoulders against the backrest. If you arch when you push, you’re using a lot of weight. Reduce your weight so you can push hard, but without bending your back.

Changes and variations
When using a machine, you are limited in the different ways to perform an exercise, but there are changes you can make.

Need a change?
Study the first time you turn on the machine and how to adjust the seat and handles. If necessary, ask the gym staff for help. In the beginning, use a low weight or even an unweighted effort to check your position. Then add small weight gains until you reach the number of eight to 12 repetitions with good v

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