OK, fools, how many of you feel that your social life has passed since your quest to become the next Arnold began? Let me start this article by saying that it doesn’t have to be this way!

Ok fools, how many of you feel that your social life has passed since you started your quest to become the next Arnold? Let me start this article by saying that it doesn’t have to be this way! In other words, you can still build an exceptional physique and have a healthy and fun life.

First, I want to detail what it takes to become Mr. Olympia before continuing his quest to one day take the stage with the best in the world to get the best weight training crown.

Lead a life of:

  • Devotion
  • Persistence
  • Crazy genetics
  • Almost perfect daily nutrition
  • An almost perfect sleep pattern.
  • An almost perfect training model.

After reading the text above and receiving a message “I’m ready, I can handle this”, I admire you, but are you ready to fill yourself with life-threatening drugs and withstand all the side effects that arise? with drugs and finally have premature death to be the best in the sport?

If you always answer yes to all the questions above, I think you are crazy. I wish you all the best on your journey and the best for life.

For the 90% of you who answered no to any of the questions above, you are in the same boat as me. This means that we can continue to have a very healthy social life and make incredible gains in the gym. Now, obviously, there are guys who are much more dedicated to the sport than you and me, and it’s not a shame, because, let’s face it, the only reasons you got into bodybuilding were for girls or some kind of sports performance.


So, let’s not lose sight of why we started the sport of bodybuilding. A classic example of this is: “Well, the only reason I started using weights was to impress girls, but I was so busy with my time at the gym and my addiction to weight training, I didn’t have time to talk to the girls, I just slept with them. “Ha ha, I became Mr. Sydney’s teenager in two years of training, but my number of girls went from super high to a stock market crash and hit a record due to dedication to the sport.

I don’t think I can go to this party on the way with all my colleagues, because there will be alcohol there and as for my can of tuna, which I must consume all the hours “I better stay home, so don’t miss meals and my 10 hours of sleep “. Does it look a little like you now? Are you sacrificing friends and a bag full of fun for the competitive side of bodybuilding? You really have to ask yourself, is it worth it?

Bodybuilding does not have to be competitive and can be enjoyed by young people, even older people, as it is a healthy lifestyle that builds self-esteem and image.


This article does not aim to keep people away from bodybuilding, but simply to make them think about the sport’s intentions. Personally, I build the body to have a beautiful and healthy body. No, I don’t intend to become Mr. Olympia, I just don’t have the genetics to achieve this, but I intend to become a very healthy and respectable bodybuilder, even if it is just for me. For me, it is more than becoming a freak of nature.

Now I know there is no better feeling than bringing out the best in the personal bench press, making your chest scream in agony as you squeeze the muscle fibers. But as much as I like that feeling, I also like the feeling of sitting with some of my best friends around iced beers and a bag of chips and watching football and talking about the girls we have marked the previous week.

Call me a wimp, but I’m not ready to give up time with my girlfriend and my best friends for time in the gym. I don’t want to live a life by choosing and choosing everything I eat and what time I eat, reading each label of everything I eat, making sure I don’t exceed my daily calories.

What I’m saying is that people can still get great results in the gym without being an obsessive bodybuilder, as long as you train hard and eat enough protein, you will continue to gain muscle. You must have time to enjoy other things in life, so go out and eat KFC, drink a few beers, stay up late, masturbate, make love (honestly, I know people who stop by muscle growth) and good blood be, ENJOY YOUR LIFE! You only have one.

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