This workout can only have four exercises, but these movements are some of our favorites. Because? Because they do the job! So grab some weights and let’s do this.

Legs and basic training

Instructions: warm up with two minutes of light cardio (check out the ideas here) and do the prescribed number of repetitions before proceeding to the next exercise. Do as many rounds as possible in eight minutes.


Squat and pressure: 15 repetitions
Elbow board with reach: 20 repetitions, alternating arms
Bicycle shredding: 20 repetitions
Rendering: 10 reps, alternating sides

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All products and services presented here are chosen for their potential to inspire and promote your well-being. Everyday Health can earn an affiliate commission for the items you buy. After intense training, you will feel exhausted, tired, sore, fantastic and will probably be covered in sweat. Believe it or not,